Celigo Error Handling in NetSuite

This Alta Via Bundle was designed to simplify Celigo error management. Celigo is one of the leading data integration software specialists offering any kind of data exchange between Netsuite and other systems.


All errors which occur in Celigo’s integrator.io platform are pulled into NetSuite, sorted, grouped and analyzed for a good overview. In a second step these errors can be handled in the way the user prefers: Just set their status to be “resolved” or repost the data after the root cause for the error is fixed. Data can also be edited before reposting. Every troubleshooting operation is synchronized directly with the Celigo platform.

Advantages of using our Bundle

  1. No need to access Celigo integrator.io: Only Celigo Error Tool, gives you the visibility of all Celigo Errors directly from NetSuite without the need to access Celigo.
  2. Bulk process groups of errors: This bundle promotes efficiency and reliability since you have the ability to handle errors by bulk.
  3. Users no longer need to have knowledge of the Celigo platform to handle integration errors since all needed information is readily available in NetSuite.
  4. Limited access to Celigo: Only those who are responsible for updating the field mapping or adding additional customization will need access on the integrator.io. 
  5. Automatic purging of resolved errors in NetSuite after a specific period of time to make sure only relevant errors are handled.