NetSuite and ValueWorks

Exploiting NetSuite’s rich data architecture with the unique intelligence platform of ValueWorks.

Well, you have already found out that you need a BI. But which one and what is it going to be like? Investors expect timely and consistent reporting. Different data sources need to be consolidated, you need one platform for your source of truth. Excel is too slow and error-prone.

NetSuite covers a massive set of content across all implemented processes, but visualizations and reports are often not geared for the top management, only show a part of the truth or do not calculate any overarching metrics.

Let’s put it together. In everyday life, this means: Companies face the difficulty of having:

  1. Complex reporting and analytical requirements that can not necessarily be covered by native NetSuite solutions.
  2. Long and manual reporting processes, highly dependent on Excel rework.
  3. Several reporting source systems beside NetSuite.
  4. Data quality issues.
  5. Concerns with starting a long and expensive BI implementation project.

What ValueWorks offers:

  1. Fast & simple setup: In contrast to traditional BI projects, the ValueWorks set-up takes only 3 hours of your time!
  2. Automation of data streams from NetSuite and other source systems into Dashboards and KPIs of ValueWorks.
  3. Industry-specific and customizable KPIs that can cover specific business needs not matching with existing regular templates.
  4. Management Reporting, including Strategic, Financial, Operational and ESG Dashboards and broad range of KPIs with planning metrics (e.g. budgets or forecasts) and comments.
  5. Investor Reporting with time-stamped reporting based on customizable templates automatically filled from management reporting with comments
  6. Embedded OKR module for execution, where all metrics from reporting are made available in the KPI library for “Key Results”
  7. A continuous customer success and data quality improvement management.
  8. We have a unique sequential release process for KPIs and Dashboards: a lean implementation method with incremental release to Production. No “All-or-Nothing”.

The offer:

The first three applicants go with a free implementation.

Our value offer:

  1. Ready with 3 hours of customer effort (this is time you spend).
  2. “Out of the box” integration setup connecting ValueWorks to NetSuite. No extra cost.
  3. Target Dashboard is set up based on your company’s best practices and custom solutions.
  4. Speed and intensity of the implementation project can easily be adjusted to the availability of the customer.
  5. Cost savings of >50% compared to building a modern data stack in-house.

Contact us:

If you have further questions or would like to discuss a project with us, do not hesitate to call or send us an email.