In the summer of 2018 Mesa Labs, a US-based medical company, called us because they needed support for translations between the German and US Teams. They had just acquired a German subsidiary and the Implementation would start soon. At that time Alta Via had the free capacity and we started the collaboration on the same day.
A few calls and several cups of coffee later we sat together in a meeting room in Munich: Three Americans, five Germans, and one consultant from Alta Via. For several days we discussed every process which was subject to the implementation in detail. These detailed conversations were the key to a smooth and on-time go-live.
A high focus was put on order entry. Existing processes needed to be adapted and eventually slightly aligned between the two merging parties. They also had to fit into the broader concept for EU companies to be acquired in the future.
Master data management and item setup took some effort too, to be able to integrate the manufacturing processes in the best way possible. For this, the German team had to communicate their item structure and understand the concepts of NetSuite. The task of translating between the two was strongly supported by a knowledgeable interpreter who was a subject matter expert for NetSuite processes.
For training plans, Alta Via aligned with Mesa Labs. Our team members scheduled weeks for being onsite and provided go-live support to mitigate the frictions you usually have in the beginning.
“Personal involvement and conversations besides the workshops with the team in Germany came as a natural side effect. It helped with acceptance of the new situation. We shared experiences from other go-lives to illustrate how things can develop in the future.” (Georg Walther, managing director Alta Via)
“Alta Via played a key role in the onboarding of our German subsidiary. They demonstrated a great deal of expertise, and provided critical translations between the US and German teams. Most importantly, Alta Via acted as a true partner to the business, and we continue to utilize their services today.” (Boden Larson, Mesa Labs, Vice President of Business Information Services)
Author: Georg Walther
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